Thursday, September 26, 2013

Falling In Love

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." -Mignon McLaughlin

I find myself doing this more and more lately.

Joshua and I have been married for three and half years now and we no longer consider ourselves "newlyweds." To be honest, I can't say that I ever felt the newlywed glow that people talk about before you get married. Except for the semester after I graduated, we had been together almost every day for the two years before our wedding--we basically felt married, but we didn't live together. We've had our fair share of rough patches and knock-down-drag-out fights, but I still keep coming back. I will always keep coming back. Why? Because look at that smile--it makes my heart melt every time! But you know what else is in that smile? 

Two eyes that see only me amongst the scores of beautiful women out there. 

One mouth that tells the silliest old-man jokes. And I laugh. Every. Time.

Two hands that prove he labors diligently to provide our every need. Just look, you'll see the signs.

One mind that chooses to do the right thing, even when others try to convince him of otherwise.   

Two legs that "would walk a thousand miles." And oh far we've walked.

One Heart that loves God, loves me, and loves his comic books.

We can go suffer the worst argument but when I see him standing over the sink washing dishes, I consider all that Joshua is--even the not-so-nice bits--and I fall in love with him again just like I did in the beginning. Let it be known that these feelings don't happen automatically. When the rush of excitement is over, it takes work. Every day, we work for our marriage. Every day we Choose to love each other and every day we Choose to fall in love again. Here is a man that loves me physically, emotionally, and most important--spiritually. He would do anything to save my soul and I adore him.  Even when he leaves his dirty socks on the floor.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Taking Stock

I found this list on another blog the other and thought it might nice to see where "I'm at" at this point in my life. 

Making : A new blog post..because this place is sadly neglected.
Cooking : Tonight we're making Baked Chicken Parm--sans bread crumbs (healthy here we come!).
Drinking : Room temperature water and wishing it was Route 44 Root beer (my fave).
Reading: Emails at work (oops!)
Wanting: Some outdoor cushions for the pallet bench the hubs made for me.
Looking: Forward to some fried Oreos at the BBQ festival in town this weekend (our splurge treat!).
Wasting: Vegetables...always the vegetables.
Sewing: Nothing...but I have two projects half finished.
Wishing: To be with family--my family, his family, just family.
Enjoying: The cooler weather that lets us sit on the front porch without melting.
Waiting: For the holidays--we live so far from family and I ache to be near all of them.
Liking: That a very sweet baby came home yesterday.
Wondering: What God has in store for us in the next year.
Loving: People in my life who make me smile.
Hoping: We will get ahead one of these days...
Marveling: At the beauty of the place where we live...I will miss parts of it when we leave someday.
Needing: To lay on the bed with my Momma and have a deliciously long talk.
Smelling: Something rank in the office fridge--whoever left that container needs to get on it. Stat.
Wearing: My new faux leather skirt with snakeskin pumps. Feeling sassy.
Following: Too many shows on the internet--I can't keep up with them anymore!
Noticing: Girl's starting to wear leggings as pants again. Cover your bums please.
Knowing: Somehow, it's all going to turn out fine. We never see it until it's over--God is so good.
Thinking: That I spend far too much time thinking instead of doing.
Feeling: Joyful that my sister is coming early--Happy Birthday love!
Bookmarking: Return of the King. Almost done. 
Opening: A textbook to finish out this 8-week course for grad school.
Giggling: At the most adorable corgi playing with a little green ball.
Feeling: Overwhelmed. We have had a lot of heartache and struggles lately, but we're pushing through.

The days are getting shorter and I can almost taste the holidays coming. I'm excited to get back to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving and Texas for Christmas--husband and I have really taken stock about what is important to us and family is at the top. Thinking about seeing them again almost makes my heart stop. We are so blessed to have the support system that we do and this time of year just makes me feel even more grateful.

Have you taken stock lately? What is important to you?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First Day of Fall!

Happy First Day of Fall--the leaves are beginning to change!