Saturday, June 1, 2013

Memphis Zoo and Barbecue

Helping our sweet friends Eric and Sarah move to Nashville--we're sad to see them go!

Central BBQ--Voted #1 10 since 2003! Look at that tasty brisket and mac'n'cheese--be still my heart!

Touching the Sting Rays for the first time--Unbelieveable!

Understandably freaked out--I actually squealed out loud...and people stared at me....

Can you believe this?! Sharks! Shark I tell you!

The hubby's favorite animal--he often acts like a dragon himself!

I'd like to thank Turbo Fire for my sweet side kick!
Happy Buddha--bellies were definitely rubbed for good luck!

Look at these guys chowing down! Can you believe that giraffe is 5 months old!

Yes, he's doing what you think he's doing....

Angst much?

For some reason, we caught all the animals relieving themselves or was a hard day!

I have to say, it was really hard saying goodbye to our friends, but driving over to Memphis helped keep our sad feelings at bay. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the Memphis Zoo--it was very large and had an incredible amount of animals. We went on a Sunday afternoon and despite it being a gorgeous day, it wasn't crowded!

Can you believe those Sting Rays and Sharks?! I've never been the type to reach out and touch things(or get dirty for that matter) but this was too good to pass up! They were sort of slimy and sometimes they would glide along the water in such a way that they'd splash everyone around the edge of the pool--show boaters!

We are so blessed to live between Memphis and Nashville and we really love taking advantage of all they have to offer. Even if it's only for one night, I highly suggest getting away and taking in some place new!

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