Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

High Five for Friday!

It's finally Friday ya'll--so grateful! I know a lot of blogger's like to do some sort of Friday Five list and I'm always down for remembering my blessings(plus, as a new blogger I don't always know what to talk about) so here goes nothing:

1. Cheese and Crackers--Lame, I know but I'm eating them right for my morning snack and they sure are good. You can throw cheese on just about anything and I'll eat it. I <3 dairy.

2. Intro to Christianity for Grad Students--We had our first class meeting last night, and as a life-long Christian I can honestly say I learned a lot. This class is going to be so good for my faith and making it stronger from the bottom up!

3. My sweet, giving mother for this Facebook post*:
getting boxes together to send hopefully to get busy

*That means we're getting Halloween candy. Sweet.

4. Husbands who make pizza. Hubs made the cheesiest, most tasty pizza ever for us this week.

5. Going to Harding. There are three places I call home: Texas, Camp Wamava, and Harding. It's been far too long and I'm ready to see some old faces again! "It's Great to be at Harding!"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Going Home(coming)!!!

I am so excited!!! This weekend is Harding University's Homecoming and we are going!!! This is especially thrilling because we haven't really been back since we graduated (there was this one time, but we basically just saw a dorm lobby) and I am stoked.

I wish I could write down my entire college experience in this post, but that would probably be more exciting for me than it would for you. Instead, I'll just jot down a few of my favorite things about Harding and call it a day (yes, there will be flashback pictures).

10. Chick-Fil-A--That's right. There is one. On campus. No more popular place after Chapel than the Student Center.

9. Muffin Chapel--I loved Chapel because it allowed us to stop the hustle and bustle of our day for 35 short minutes to worship God with all of the friends I loved. What could be better than that? After announcements proceeding outside to find rows upon rows of Muffins and juice for the taking.

8. Jazz Band--One of the coolest concerts of the year--standing room only. There's just something about that rough, raw sound that gives me the heebie jeebies. In a good way.

7. Concert Choir--The first people I ever met at college were all going to Choir camp. We had a glorious week out at Camp Tahkodah were we got to swim, sing, and basically geek out with a bunch of other choir nerds before Pitch Perfect made it cool to sing Acapella.

6. The Front Lawn--The first time I stepped foot on Harding's campus waaaay back in high school I fell in love instantly. You see, right outside the Heritage is a heavily shaded front lawn with soft, green grass and trees that have sockets built right in.My gorgeous roommate and I spent many a day studying ::coughcoughhangingout::  with our friends there.

5. Theatre--I was a total theatre geek growing up. In fact, my first starring role was in School House Rock in the 6th grade! When I got to college, I knew I had to keep performing.

4. Friends--I met the bulk of my friends at Choir Camp and theatre productions. It was such a rag-tag group of people but we sure did have a lot of fun. I still stalk them on Facebook. FYI.

3. Christian Education--I started college at a state school--it was 20,000 people strong and one of the loneliest times of my life. When I got to Harding I found myself in a place where it's ok to pray for each other, to speak about God freely without judgement, and to tell your friends your love them. My faith is precious to me and Harding only made it grow.

2. Roomie for Life--There is no one in the world like Anna. We became roommates because our grandparents met at a Summer Youth Series and found out we both needed roommates. After a few Facebook conversations, we knew it was the real thing. Since then we've stalked boys together, pranked called our boyfriends, and stayed up countless nights talking until we fell asleep. We always told each other that if we didn't get married, we would be roommates for life. I'm still holding out hope that when we're old ladies, we'll be in the same nursing home laughing it up!

1. My husband--I wrote in another post how much I love my husband and Harding is where we met. We both went down a lot of broken roads before we found each other in Acting Styles. We were scene partners, playing reluctant lovers Benedict and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing, when in the end we fell in love with each other as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tea? Don't Mind if I do!

This is what happens when you're too sick to do anything else.....

Friday, October 11, 2013

String of Pearls

I am pleased to announce the first issue of String of Pearls! This is a Young Women's online magazine run by my very talented baby sister Kelsie along with a few of her friends. The magazine features inspirational articles, life advice, recipes and much more. Articles are written from a Christian perspective by real young women with the occasional guy column and advice from adults as well. Check it out and look forward to many more issues in the future!

String of Pearls

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Home of Our Own

Renting is not for the faint of heart. Knowing that a random line of strangers lived here before you. You never quite settle in because this is not yours--you don't own it. No warm, inviting paint colors or permanent pictures of the family on the walls. No door frame to mark the growth of a child and certainly no loving animal waiting to welcome you home. Living somewhere semi-permanently but never really feeling "at home" because you know, at any time, you could be made to leave. My homebody soul is slowly inching toward the door. I need a space to call mine--to mold and change with my aesthetic. My mind is ripe with ideas for decorating my make-believe palace and my dreamer heart is about to burst for waiting. There is such a comfort in home. It's where warm, fresh-baked cookies live and tacky, redneck Christmas decorations stay in the yard all year long. Home is where you stay in bed all day and watch movies in your underpants. Home is where love is. Someday, hopefully soon, we'll find a home of our own.